
Hello reader, we are so glad to see you back! This is the final part of our DIY mask using Aloe vera gel that are for both your skin, body and hair. If you haven’t seen the first part, check those out and be your gorgeous self for all events! Tell us in comments below if you have tried any of these out and what has worked best for you! Happy reading! if you have any doubts or concerns we will definitely help you out, Comment below or Lets talk in our dm's! 

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Aloe vera consists of high hydration and nourishing agents which give you soft, glowing skin. If you don’t have an aloe vera plant at home, I would highly suggest you get one. The benefits are endless, and this list is going to convince you of that! So, take a self-care day and give your skin a much needed rejuvenation. Here is the part 1 of our DIY masks to tide you for a few weeks!
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Clays are highly recommended for people living in large and polluted area because of it's key benefits of calcium and dirt absorbing properties.

Check out how you can use ClayTox and make your skincare game change!

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I have heard of clays when I was a kid, back then it was just mud I used to make humans figures with!

Apparently as we grew up we learnt that there's more to this! 

Clay has the ability to absorb impurities from pores, thus helping treat acne, can heal skin allergies and sunburn, can balance oil production, and boost skin elasticity and collagen production. There are different types of clay depending on their origin and composition, offering varying benefits for the skin.

Read on to know more about the types of clay.

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