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A fruit? A vegetable? Whatever it may be, who would have thought of the benefits of this plant! It has...

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While you may or may not enjoy the taste of papaya, you should be aware of the numerous ways it...

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The little black dress of the health and beauty world is activated charcoal. Shampoo, toothpaste, face masks, and supplement capsules...

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Walnut is a skin and hair superfood because it is high in healthy fats and protein. They are a nutritional...

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How many times have you heard your grandma or mom tell you to apply a mask of Ubtan for anything...

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Bentonite clay has been used as a popular remedy for years to treat a wide range of skin issues. It is one of those under rated products not many know about. We hope this article was helpful! We will waiting to see your carts full with our products! Bentonite clay can make a wonderful addition to your natural hair regimen. Do it once per month, or whenever you need a complete reset on your natural curls. And make sure to use our skincare products before your special days, so you have gorgeous looking skin always ready!
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