Charming Charcoal!
The little black dress of the health and beauty world is activated charcoal. Shampoo, toothpaste, face masks, and supplement capsules...
Wonder Walnuts!
Walnut is a skin and hair superfood because it is high in healthy fats and protein. They are a nutritional...
Urban Ubtan!
How many times have you heard your grandma or mom tell you to apply a mask of Ubtan for anything...
Baffling Bentonite Clay!
All in one Aloe!
The list for this is endless, Aloe Vera is a truly medicinal plant with healing properties for both skin and hair. Aloe Vera is a common house plant, it is easy to grow and can be used at ones wish! Our skin needs a lot of care in order to stay hydrated and glowing at all times. Your search for the natural Aloe Vera gel and products ends here, Inari has a list of skin care products using organic Aloe Vera. Here are some of them: