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Get to know our founder!- Simran Sainani

Simran Sainani 0 comments

Hello reader, I know when you look up to someone for guidance, help or as a mentor you always wish to know more about them. To know how it all started or what drives them to do it everyday!  I relate to you so we decided to sit down and chat up with Simran, Founder and CEO of Curl Cure. She is on a mission of helping curlies and everyone around to fall in love with their hair! We know you may have questions on how to take care of those curls, or what products to use for curly hair and how to get defined curls. So grab a cup of coffee and read on as Simran and I take on this little chat session!

Q1. Let’s start with some basics about how Curl Cure came about and what mission is it on?

Simran: It is funny how the idea of something this big came about. I have always had people ask me about my hair and how I maintain it, what products to use for curly hair etc. and this one random evening I spoke to my girls about starting a consultation with the aim of helping more people! And just like that. today we have more than 45000 people whom we enjoy guiding and helping with their curls. Our mission is always to help you embrace your curls the way they are, use the best products you will LOVE your hair all the time!

Q2. What is CGM, what was your first experience like?

Simran: So CGM is basically a Curly Girl Method, that is a guide on ways to take care of your curls. It is very easy with the right products and a set routine made for you. We have an entire blog on that with all details on what to use and how! My experience was wonderful the first time, my hair did not get any sulfates or harsh chemicals so there was significant change. It was definitely overwhelming, but you have to stick to it and you’ll find what works for you. 

Q3. How did the latest launch come about, what was the planning, execution like?

Simran: It has been two long years of trying, testing and rejecting over 80+ samples before what became the final product. There were many similar brands who started during that time, but I knew ours was different and I wanted perfection in it. I refused to put anything out which wasn’t the best version of it. And I am very proud of the latest launch and the immense love it has received.


Q4. What would your advice to maintain curly hair on budget be like?

Simran: Curly hair products do tend to be expensive, and I completely understand where college girls or school kids living on their stipend are coming from! To them I would recommend doing DIY’s, it is foolproof and cost effective. Example instead of using a conditioner, make a banana hair mask at home or use a flaxseed gel on your curls. We have an entire DIY section on our Instagram guide, do check that out! Whatever you do make sure to provide hydration to your and make the effort of maintaining them.

Q5. Where do you see Curl Cure in 5 years and what is the most rewarding thing about running a company?

Simran: Curl Cure started with the aim of letting people embrace their curls and how they look because today most people get it chemically treated rather than going through the hassle of taking care of them. So in 5 years when I see people loving and rocking their natural curls I will feel like my work is done! And that is the most rewarding part of my work, we are constantly in touch with our customers and ready to take care of their hair needs. And in return they always share their journey and how Curl Cure has been helping them. To me that is everything I would want!

Q6. What do you think makes Curl Cure products stand out in this vast industry?

Simran: To be very honest I do not see other brands as a competition because we all work on serving different hair types and have contrasting purposes. Our mission has always been to get people to fall in love with their hair. Plus, we use the best natural ingredients and make a conscious effort of using the best formulation which I feel makes us unique!

Q7. Lastly, anything you would like to share with the curly hair community.

Simran: To the community I would like to congratulate and share how proud I am of them if they have taken even a small step in the process of maintaining and following CGM. I know it can get a little overwhelming, but I promise you will see the potential your hair has when you try. Just get to it and trust in your curls!

And with that we end our little interview session, it has been filled with learnings and love for the way we see our hair! A huge thanks to our very best Simran for taking out the time and sharing a bit of her with us. We have tagged all the products Simran gave us a note about to use for your gorgeous curls.

Happy Curling!

Product links: 

 3 Step Curl Routine: 

 Microfiber Towels: 

 Hair Elixir : 



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